Over the last twenty four hours I have experienced I wave of emotions - from ecstatic to extremely sad about leaving Minnesota for my job in Denver. I have had literally zero desire to leave the place that I love over the past four years. Applying in various states was something I did on a whim - choosing not to keep myself shut off from opportunities that may lay outside my comfort zone. Then someone told me to follow my heart. I replied that I was instead going to follow God - here is what I mean by that.
I prayed several times over the past few months, as I do normally, that God only open doors that He want me to walk through. Throughout this entire application process I did the same thing. My prayers were simple "Lord, only offer me a job where you want me - because I will accept a job. I will not know the difference between a good place and a bad and I will take what is offered, please do not offer what you do not want me to take." Lo and behold, the offer came in from Denver.
As many of you know I have family in Denver, and Denver is a wonderful place - but it is not my place. It is not my home. It is not the place I would get tattooed on my body [well no-one should, it's the shape of a square for pete sake - that was their first mistake]. It is not the place my absolute best friends live, the people I call in the middle of the night, the people who would drop everything for me and come to my rescue [not that I don't have that in Denver, I do]. Bottom line, if I were following my heart - I would not go to Denver. I would stay home.
But Jesus did not die on a cross for me to follow my heart. Jesus died on a cross for me to follow Him. Here are the reasons I am choosing to follow not my heart - but God:
Proverbs 28:20 - He who trusts in his own heart is a fool. But he who walks wisely will be delivered
Jeremiah 17:9 - The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?
Romans 8:14 - For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God
Proverbs 4:23 - Above all things guard your heart, for it determines the course of your life
Luke 14:33 - In the same way, those of you who do not give up everything you desire cannot be my disciples
So, while it may be difficult. While I may be sad to leave the place that I love. While it may not be what my heart is telling me to do right now - it is where God is leading me - so go I shall!
See you soon Denver! I look forward to what lay ahead :)