I met Gus on a cruise five years ago. I was with Kassie and her family and one day - I don't remember when or where - we met these guys Gus and Anthony. Since Kassie and I each had boyfriends our relationships with them stayed plutonic and we all had a blast hanging out the whole week on the boat. At the time Gus and Kassie paired up, and Anthony and I paired up; funny how no matter what people seem to gravitate toward twos. Obviously Kassie was not on my road trip and Anthony was busy with life - so Gus and I decided we would have our own little reunion!
Gus warned me before I arrived that I was in for some serious a serious redneck rodeo - he figured I may need to prepare myself. Little did he know that we have plenty of rednecks running around Minnesota. When I got to his house we hugged and mused at how shocked we were to meet again, five years later! I got to see the chickens Gus raises and his puppies, which were adorable beyond all means and I would totally have taken if I could. After we finished touring his little piece of heaven he took me out to lunch at the finest little gas station chicken place the worlds ever seen - Champs Chicken! Specializing in fried chicken and - choke - livers and gizzards [so gross]. We then found our way to his friends house - where we ate our food and talked about all sorts of the most redneck stuff - chickens, bars, airsoft guns, and other unmentionable things! ;) Later we went to another mans house to grab Gus' saddle before heading off to go horseback riding.
After our little break Gus, his father, and I went to pick up his mom from work. His parents are hilarious. They're so full of life and hilarious jokes - the family dynamic is comical. Gus is a typical child, even at 22, out to agonize his parents until they're on the edge of beating him, while he slyly laughs as if he's gotten away with something. Their accents are also priceless - I love how they formed their sentences and the phrases they came up with that I had to ask them to repeat on several occasions.
Needless to say I had a fantastic time hangin in a tiny town east of Tulsa, mingling with the rednecks and having heat stroke :)
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