Denver: Final Fling Before The Ring
My beautiful sister is getting married. That's right, her moment in time has come. Greg couldn't be a better fit for our family if he tried and I am beyond happy for them - but before they get to the them, we had to celebrate her. Sarah as a bachelorette. What better way to do so than with a bachelorette party!
Andrea and I had been keeping Sarah out of the loop for a good month about the party - everything was a total surprise to her. When she arrived at the house she was visibly anxious, awaiting the days activities. She would ask questions like "Where we're going will I need . . ." and "Will we be coming back here?" Everybody knows I absolutely love surprises, even when they're not for me, so I was giddy with secrets.
Of course, when you get 7 women together someone is bound to blurt something out and when Andrea did, thank God Sarah didn't hear. The second time, however, we didn't get so lucky and one of the girls exclaimed, while standing right next to Sarah, "So are we all getting pedis??" and Sarah shot us a look and grinned. Said person felt horrible but Sarah was excited, and we all laughed because she had just spent the morning painting her fingers and toes - making her late. So it was off to Tootsies Nails in Denver, where you can drink champagne and bring appetizers if you please, our choice was watermelon. Being the MOH I got to sit next to Sarah which made me more excited than I bet she realizes. I often do not force myself next to someone but I wanted to be right by her, so when she asked me to go with her I beamed ha!

Once nails were complete we headed back to the house to wait for our next surprise. An hour and a half of games and mingling, appetizer eating and wine drinking, went by before the people arrived for Bottle and Bottega. This time it was a complete surprise and when they arrived at the door Sarah looked worried, she thought we had gotten a noise complaint haha! Once they began bringing in there paint supplies she looked confused and then when the canvases and easels popped up she got excited. So excited in fact that later she drank her paint water. Don't worry, they warned us before hand that it wasn't toxic and happened quite frequently. We all swarmed around our creations and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. I would HIGHLY recommend doing this at any kind of party.

After bottle and bottega it was time for dinner - as we were boarding the light rail Andrea let it slip that we were going to Osteria Marco for dinner - Sarah's eyes lit up because she had never been there. We arrived and gorged ourselves on olives, salads, pizza, and chocolate torte. We also feasted our eyes on the Magic Mike waiter when Andrea tried to take his shirt off - no big deal! Once we were finished stripping the waiter and eating our fair share we went out to celebrate on the town.
We went from bar to bar playing trivia games and completing punishments for those who got their trivia wrong. My favorite was when Sarah had to sing and act out "I'm a little teapot" while standing on a chair! She owned it! She also had to take pictures with random men who fit her "Scavenger Hunk" throughout the night. We never completed it but Sarah was determined to find the exact guys not just ones who looked like them.
The night ended with a final lightrail ride home, complete with a drunken dumb guy who tried to sit with Andrea and Sarah - causing Sarah to chew him out and give him a lesson in manners. He told us he wasn't getting married because he wanted to travel and she said "Oh THATS not why you're not married" hahaha!! I love her.
The next morning I woke up early to drink coffee before making delicious french toast and bacon for the bachelorette brunch. We added strawberries and whipped cream and viola! It was delicious. I would call the bachelorette party and brunch a huge success! Now I look forward to celebrating their marriage in Cape Cod this coming week!
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