Bathroom Remodel: Smurf Kingdom

Ahh the downstairs bathroom. I had just gotten back from Nashville and I asked Sandy if we were going to do Jason's bathroom. She expressed that Jason didn't think I could get it done in a week. I retorted with "Well, aren't you going to do it regardless if i'm here" - I guess the answer was no. So I, never one to like having things left on my honey do list - got to work.
I began tearing down the wall paper, only to find that the wall paper likes just where it was placed and has no intention of ever, EVER coming down. So - after Jason explained that he doesn't see why I even took any of it down, I began power sanding the walls. I only power sanded the parts where I had torn off wall paper and then I spackled over the edges so as not to have crazy lines.
After spackling and waiting several hours I returned to my new project and block sanded the spackle down to a smooth [mostly] finish. Now, seeing as i've never done this before and I was flying solo in my renovation some parts didn't work out to well and probably look worse than before I unleashed my wicked awesome reno skills ;)
Nevertheless, I began priming over the Fields of Scotland meets Duck Hunter wall paper. First coat of primer = the biggest joke of a job i've ever witnessed. As you could have probably thought we were making some sort of design statement rather than covering anything up. Second coat of primer, we're getting there - slooowly but surely. Third.Coat.Of.Primer and you finally can no longer see the wall paper, or your sanity. By this point I am exhausted and ready to be done painting. I head in to bed, only to receive a text inviting me to a bon fire and smores - who can turn that down? So out I go, after a whole day of reno, at 1am.

The next day, the Fourth of July, I begin with the smurf blue paint. Okay, so it's supposedly "sky" blue but whats the difference!! The paint has been sitting long enough that the first two walls are painted with a water like substance that hardly can call itself a first coat of paint, but by the last wall we have some real progress. We head out for our Independence Day festivities and when we return I schlop on the second coat of blue paint. At this point I should mention that they have a blue toilet, and a blue vanity top - just sayin. So, as I finish up the second coat of paint Jason tells me that we'll probably need a third. I take a break and get invited once again for smores and a fire - hello, its fourth of July!! I write a note and head out, once again - at 1am.

The next day we realize that 5 coats of paint were plenty - but just incase, I add another coat to a couple walls and touch up various other places. Screw back in all the light switch coverings and such - and viola!! A new Smurfville is born!! :) Tomorrow, it is on to the T.V room - Sensuous Pear :P
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