Frolf, Kayaking and Snipe Hunting :)
Friday night was characterized by a surprise game of frolf with Forrest. Of course here, and most places, it is not called frolf [frisbee golf] but rather disk golf because frisbees are not used, disks are haha. Either way - I got to play one one of the countries hardest courses and it was only my second time playing. I finsihed 10 holes with a total score of 9857934867456 but thats okay. I had a great time learning the proper disk hurling technique from Forrest, only to watch my disk go careening through the air in some acid trip direction, unaware of it's hoped for destination. At one point I redeemed myself by jumping across a stream and falling on my knees to save Forrests disk from the treacherous two foot wide stream. What a thrill!!

Saturday came with a brand new adventure for me! Another first on this road trip of first time experiences - kayaking!! As predicted I started the day nervous about the looming brush with death. I even called my dad to tell him I love him just in case I never came back ha! Once on the rive, however, I got the hang of it pretty quick and within the first hour I began taking the off shoots from the river where the rapids would be higher. I made it my mission to pick up garbage floating in the river and embarrassed Forrest and friends by riding halfway down with a beach ball on my head - fun suckers! I had an awesome time and have decided that once I have the proper funds, I will definitely be purchasing a kayak!! I hope I can find a place just as fun to kayak in Minnesota. Although I am sure I will love lake kayaking too :)

After kayaking we went to a famous barbecue spot situated in the side of a mountain and right off the highway. The place was packed and it took an hour for the five of us to be seated. Never the less we spent dinner talking [and trying to get me to shutup] while enjoying beans, barbecue [southern for pulled pork], fries, and of course - sweet tea.
Once our little escapade had ended and I was fully showered - Forrest called to ask me to go snipe hunting. I said no at first but he convinced me that I needed to add another first to my list - so I reluctantly agreed. I went upstairs and asked Jason if he wanted me to make snipe for dinner the next night if I caught one and after asking me how I was going to catch the snipe he stared at me like I was the dumbest box of rocks he'd ever seen - and I hadn't even begun to tell him how!! Well it turns out the although snipe is a real bird, they only live in the southern coastal states and are extremely hard to catch [ thats where we get the word sniper ] and of course, you need a gun.
No flashlight and bag in the middle of the night will work! So, armed with some serious steam I got onto the four wheeler with Forrest [ who was decked out in camo!! ] and rode to the edge of the forest, after numerous horribly embellished lies and fifteen minutes had passed I burst out that I new there was no such thing and Forrest's face was priceless!!
It turns out he had planned to give me a flashlight with nearly dead batteries and leave me in the forest!! Well not really, but I would have thought I was alone!! Jerk. Needless to say - I had a great time "snipe" hunting. I can only picture the movie Up - where they didn't want that little boy around so they sent him Snipe hunting lol!! What a great adventure!!
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