Day 53-54 : Country Music, Forever
So despite being stricken with a sinus infection for the past week, I decided to head to Nashville last night! After going to Jonesborough Days with Forrest and nearly passing out from a mixture of benedryl and 104 degree weather, I found it a wise decision to make a five hour trek to Nashville to spend the night out on the town!
Weeks ago I had emailed a friend of a friend, explaining to her who I knew [name dropper!] and asked her if she would so graciously allow me into her home. She accepted!!! [this must be what its like to pop the question]. So after weeks of zero contact we realized this was the only weekend left for a little Music City fun! So I loaded up my little suitcase, put my hair in pin curls and headed to Nashville - medicine and tissues in tow.
Upon arriving I found myself driving on a sidewalk to park in front of their friends house - apparently this is how they do in Nashville because everyone else was also parked on the sidewalk! In true Southern fashion we ate a whole feast of a barbecue before becoming enamored in Final Destination 5. For those of you who know me, you can just picture me pacing between the living room, the kitchen, and the bathroom in sheer dread. After scarfing down food and eluding suspenseful death scenes we piled into my car [ another fantastic reason I do not drink ] and went downtown!!
The whole road was lined with people from everywhere imaginable - yet Holly still ran into at least five friends from high school! I was in awe at the number of musicians and homeless people there were laying about. Not only that but I was sourly disappointed at the number of people not dressed in cowboy boots and hats. The one "cowboy" I saw had to be close to fifty and made a habit of engulfing himself around the twenty something girl he was with. We hopped from joint to joint dancing and laughing.
To my dismay I found out two things 1. that Nashville bars stay open until 3 and 2. you can smoke inside some places. Thank God we found our way out of lung loss lane and into a nice bar with lots of space to move, sadly without any country music. However, at about 2:15 I found myself still dancing the night away, hardly tired. Regardless of my perceived energy I rounded up the now very drunken troops and told them I wanted to hit the road before half of Nashville got into their whips, impaired.
Sleep finally came at around 4:30am after I downed two tylenol PMs and two benedryls. I did not wake up once until 1030 and then fell back asleep until noon. I feel so - wonderfully irresponsible!! Coming from the nonsmoking, non-drinking, sick chick - whatever!

I said farewell to Holly and Tim and drove off into the sunrise - just kidding. I went back downtown for more baby! Really I just went out for brunch at a cute little restaurant/grocery story/live band bar. After eating I found myself wandering in the Country Music Hall of Fame learning about the history of Country music and all those that have contributed to its awesomeness! It really opens your eyes, being in Nashville, the number of those who made it compared to the number of those who did not. Overall it was a great experience!
Although I didn't make it to church today I'd like to finish by saying that it was still a good day for God. I usually take note of songs i'd like to add to my blog and today almost every Christian song that played stirred my heart and I wrote half of them down! I found myself singing my little heart out with the worst voice possible - and loving every minute of it! So, even when we cant get to Church, it comes to us :)
Songs of the day -
That's Why I Pray - Big and Rich
I Can Only Imagine - Mercy Me
10,000 Reasons - Matt Redman
Busted Heart - For King and Country
Fields of Gold - Sting [lmao!]
In Your Eyes - Peter Gabriel
Free Bird - Lynyrd Skynyrd [faaaavorite]
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