Laying in my bed, on a Thursday morning - waiting to pick up hummus - and once again my body becomes agitated with the onslaught of daydreams and constant need for motion.
I'm getting married folks! Although this is not news to most of you, anyone who only reads my blog (whom have all probably stopped due to the severe lack in posts) may not have even known I was dating someone.
In fact, you may even question why I've never blogged about him. Let me tell you, the reason is quite ludicrous and quite frankly a bit childish. I didn't want to jinx it. You see - I have a habit of blogging about people I'm dating (very T-Swift of me). My inclination is toward documenting each and every emotion set forth from an unsuspecting individual. Who knows the reason. But with Sam, I feared blogging about him would somehow end the relationship - so I bottled up those emotions, only sharing them with him and a few close friends.
However - now that I have him captured - I think I may begin to chronicle our life together. So - this blog will transform from "Heather-single-handidly-takes-on-world" to "heather-and-sam-adventure-through-marriage"! GET READY! But first, a farewell to the me who first moved to Denver in August 2014 to the me sitting here now, daydreaming.
This apartment - these walls, the old and rickety windows, the gas stove, and the painted fireplace mural - has seen me go through many a changes in the last two years. I moved here, angry and bitter to be back in Colorado. Trusting God with my life's direction but secretly doubting his ability to provide for me. My heart shattered by what I had, at the time, believed to be a love-gone-sour. The goal for that year was to set boundaries. At the time I had a serious lack of such and was tired of nobody taking me seriously at work or in my personal life. I thirsted for adventure, to be alone, to be captivated by something, and to connect with myself.
Throughout the last two years I dated on e-harmony, turned away from God, came back to God, grew closer with my sisters, and became a new me. I grew to love local foods, organic face cream, and learned to climb mountains (literally). I spent more than a year devoted to a non-profit disaster response organization, quitting my day job and driving for Uber to pay the bills, along with nannying my nephew. Eventually turning to web development before being proposed to and now spending the summer handing out hummus preparing for marriage! WHAT A LIFE!
And now I lay here, listening to my landlord shout directions to the man bringing the new water-heater. Bags of clothes ready for good-will piled all over the apartment, books for donation stacked on shelves, and a perpetual antsyness plaguing me - telling me I must get things done. My heart barely able to comprehend all that will change in the next two months.
I've loved the last two years in Colorado. Loved the parts of myself I said goodbye to, love the parts of myself I've welcomed. The memories I've collected, tears I've cried, and laughter I've shared in this apartment, with these people, will forever be etched in my mind.
To have had the chance to live alone, to go on my own adventures, create myself, was the best thing God could have given me. I look back on the hours driving to Colorado - never knowing what was in store, crying, and I can't help but smile. As I pack up my things and say goodbye to this little apartment - I do so with bittersweet excitement for what's to come and what I leave behind.
What a wonderful thing, to love your life. Here's to the next season.