Day 39-41: Oceanside Bliss
Sandy and the kids planted a simple and innocent idea into my head. They suggested I head to North Carolina early, so that I could stay later in July. Sadly, I cannot stay any longer in July and I decided to take them up on their idea and go to North Carolina early. I called Beth and quickly made plans to head there on Tuesday. I spent the 7 hour drive listening to music and relishing in my own little bubble of freedom on the open road. It's amazing how quick a 7 hour drive can seem, before I even realized I had left Tennessee, I was pulling up alongside Beth - ushering her into the car. Ahh the happy reunion. I hadn't seen Beth for almost two years - which in retrospect to how long it's been since I've seen other people, isn't that long. Once parked I was greeted by her shirtless husband, of which she warned me about. Nolan doesn't mind at all who witnesses his bareness in the sunny afternoon light. He just smiled and shook my hand. Once inside Beth and I gossiped about our new lives while Nolan went and picked baby up.

Brody is by far one of the cutest little pumpkins I have ever seen. And I can actually call him a pumpkin with some accuracy considering the blaze orange hair that adorns his little round head. He smiles in all sorts of directions at anyone willing to pay attention. With each new excitement he turns to the nearest parent giggling as if to say "Look! Look what's happening Mom! Dad!"
Beth and I decided to head to Surf City with Brody in tow. Beth probably found my excitement level to be that of a puppy, experiencing a car ride for the first time. As usual I talked incessantly the whole way there and nearly burst out of the front seat when we arrived. Thank God my mere 22 years resulted in some composure and instead I helped her with the things and nearly stumbled down the stairs to the beach.
Laying on the towel, feeding Brody, Beth observed me in my "oceanic state" - gracefull belling flopping through the waves and getting unexpectedly knocked over by sneak-attack-surf. We only stayed a half hour but that half hour was exhilarating and mind altering. Back at home Brody, Beth, and I snuggled up with dinner and shows. Peaceful.
The next day while Beth was at work, Nolan treated me to breakfast at IHOP. I must say - these two really know how to treat their guests! Once Nolan was at work, Beth text [and call] directed me to the beach we had been to the day before, where I layed out in my big floppy hat, book in tow, for two hours. My book of choice was Marley and Me - and I cannot express how hooked I was. I was not only hooked to my book but instantly hooked to the ocean. I grew up near here the first part of my life but honestly thought over the past ten years that the ocean had nothing a lake didn't have. Maybe I had suffered some sort of prolonged denial because I realized in that moment of solitude that I could definitely trade in my digs by the lake for this.
It seemed Beth, too, needed a day at the beach. When she called me after work I drove back from Surf City, we loaded into her car, and headed to the beach on Camp Lejeune. There we lay, for two hours, each engulfed in our own books [Brody was at daycare]. We only broke our attention for a half hour frollick through the rolling waves. We had such a blast out there. A much needed break from reality that Beth needed. And although I am having a blast out here on the open road - I, too, needed a moment of nothing but pure relaxation. Something anyone who knows me knows that I am not good at. After the beach we enjoyed macaroni and cheese, Hot in Cleveland, and quiet time.
The next morning I bid farewell to Beth and Nolan as they left for work. I made myself some leftover coffee and sat outside on the porch reading Marley and Me for an hour, sipping coffee and laughing hysterically every other paragraph. Once an hour had passed I decided it was time to hit the road.
I stopped in Charlotte, one of the places I have always wanted to go, and decided to dress in my turquoise dress and white floppy hat. I strolled down the avenue to a place called French Quarter and scarfed down a burger, salad, and drank sweet tea while enjoying my book, once again. [I really do recommend this book to anyone!] It took me a total of ten hours to get home what with the pit stop and the traffic but Charlotte was totally worth it. Just as glamorous and small town as I had pictured - with all the ritzy-ness and old Southern charm I had conjured up on the drive over there. Each person who passed me said something or asked me a question and everyone smiled as they walked by. I really enjoyed myself.
Back in Tennessee I picked the kids up from VBS and drove home, listening to their endless excited chatter about making soap and learning the Bible. I guess we both had the week we needed :) Exhale.
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