Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My current grand adventure

DONE! That sweet word. Only those battling what seems to be a never-ending cycle can truly grasp the wonderful sound of that word. For me that cycle consisted of writing, deleting, editing, tweaking, completely starting over, and finally . . . finally . . . finishing my senior thesis. Here I sit, 10:30 on a Tuesday night, the night before my final class and I feel anxious. WHAT?! Anxious? Yes, anxious. I still have to present on the damn thing and receive a grade. Both of which I am feeling quite certain I will pass but nevertheless I am crossing my fingers and praying for this to be the last chapter in this four year journey! In addition to that I have to pack my whole apartment and move out by Saturday and await the t-16 days until I set out for my grand adventure. Upon writing that last sentence the anxious feeling almost melted away. Why? Because I realized how ridiculously blessed I am. I just finished my final paper of my bachelors degree and here I sit awaiting my grand adventure - without giving time to appreciate the grand adventure I am only hours away from completing. So, for the next couple weeks I will work to put aside my future endeavors and allow myself the time to truly soak in the milestone, the adventure, which I just completed. I will give myself time to relax, to thank God for that which he has blessed me with, to be proud of myself and how far I have come. Exhale.

1 comment:

  1. I love how you ended this blog.. That last word. Like "Namaste". Love youu.
