Sunday, April 29, 2012

Moved on out!

Here I sit, on my palette on the floor. I find it amazing how much colder a house gets with nothing in it. The thermostat reads 72 but my body violently disagrees as I shiver through the night and the morning. However, we're moved out!! Only a few things left to maneuver around but for the most part we're done baby, and I only have 10 days until take off!!! Yesterday I was the driver of a 26 foot uhaul! Clearly, the uhaul people have not heard my reputation, otherwise they may not have given me the keys. After running into only one large cement road block and scraping the side of a large wall - all of our stuff found its way to its three month resting place. Thank you John for helping us with that, and getting my butt out of all those turns! Could not have done anything without you! Needless to say, I am amazed at how everything falls into place one by one. With each item checked off the list it's as if stress flies off my shoulders. Today: last day of work at the farm - and then grad party with the family. Thank you God, for all that I am blessed with!!! Can't wait until I turn my tires toward the open road :)

1 comment:

  1. You can tell a lot about a person when they go out of their way to help someone without expecting anything in return :)
