Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Zoo life

The zoo with my little guy. Strolling through the exhibits I find myself completely smitten with how enamored he is with each and every little thing. As "OH WOW!" rings out across the walls I cannot help but smile. Then, something strange happens; I begin also to say "Oh wow!" I have been going to zoo's for years. I feel as though I have seen all of the same old animals over and over again. Each time I see a lion - he seems like the last. Every orangutan I cross has the same look on their face. And every bear I see captures the same thing in me. Not today. Today I fell in place with a two year old. I asked questions with genuine interest about the sloth and where she stood in the world. When we came to the polar bear my heart literally quickened upon seeing his dreamy expression and twitching paws. Each little tamarin had the personality of a spunky six year old, and the seals could not have been happier swimming than they were in their tiny little pool. After visiting the orangutan, Sarah, I left wishing I could have had a real conversation with her. I watched as one of the bears rescued from the flood waters trudged back and forth anxiously, wondering what he must be thinking. Then I came across the following picture - and I realized how true the quote really is. Not only does it apply to nature - but also to life. Driving home from the zoo I called several people who did not answer - and I just assumed they all must be napping. Ha! The mind of a nanny, what else would anyone be doing at 1:30 in the afternoon on a Tuesday? Bottom line, there is no bottom line, it just felt good to be two and so completely in love with the little things - to be connected to the rest of the world.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to try to make it to the zoo this week!! I miss being a kid! Glad you got to experience that with Evan.. I'm going to miss that little guy!
