Sunday, September 9, 2012

First Chemistry Quiz

Boring title, right? Well that may be - but the truth is, I am distraught over this quiz. Why? Because I got a 60 percent. I know, I know, there are much worse things in life than getting a 60 percent on a quiz. I promise I will get to that later, but for now, I am heartbroken. 

I am on my way to vet school - or so I am praying and hoping all of the time. I have never enjoyed the sciences but I know this is where God is taking me. So here I sat, pretty confident in my abilities to do an open book quiz. Yet I get a D - maybe it was the fact that it was timed, maybe I am just a dumbass. Either way, I got a D. 

I am mad at myself for getting a D on an open book quiz. I am mad at myself for not taking time to really think it through, and I am mad at myself for getting a bad grade when the next 6 years depends on how I do in these courses. I cannot fail. I will not fail. 

Trying to be optimistic because this is one quiz, out of many - and I can do better. I have to do better. I will just have to change my studying techniques and make sure I truly know the material. 

I still have a roof over my head, money in my pockets, and a heart that beats wildly and lovingly for this world and all God has blessed me with. So really, a D ain't the end of the world. I will just do better next time. 

UPDATE!!! I actually got a B!!! The professor had two answers wrong!! :) 

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