My beautiful sister is getting married. That's right, her moment in time has come. Greg couldn't be a better fit for our family if he tried and I am beyond happy for them - but before they get to the them, we had to celebrate her. Sarah as a bachelorette. What better way to do so than with a bachelorette party!
Andrea and I had been keeping Sarah out of the loop for a good month about the party - everything was a total surprise to her. When she arrived at the house she was visibly anxious, awaiting the days activities. She would ask questions like "Where we're going will I need . . ." and "Will we be coming back here?" Everybody knows I absolutely love surprises, even when they're not for me, so I was giddy with secrets.
Of course, when you get 7 women together someone is bound to blurt something out and when Andrea did, thank God Sarah didn't hear. The second time, however, we didn't get so lucky and one of the girls exclaimed, while standing right next to Sarah, "So are we all getting pedis??" and Sarah shot us a look and grinned. Said person felt horrible but Sarah was excited, and we all laughed because she had just spent the morning painting her fingers and toes - making her late. So it was off to Tootsies Nails in Denver, where you can drink champagne and bring appetizers if you please, our choice was watermelon. Being the MOH I got to sit next to Sarah which made me more excited than I bet she realizes. I often do not force myself next to someone but I wanted to be right by her, so when she asked me to go with her I beamed ha!

Once nails were complete we headed back to the house to wait for our next surprise. An hour and a half of games and mingling, appetizer eating and wine drinking, went by before the people arrived for Bottle and Bottega. This time it was a complete surprise and when they arrived at the door Sarah looked worried, she thought we had gotten a noise complaint haha! Once they began bringing in there paint supplies she looked confused and then when the canvases and easels popped up she got excited. So excited in fact that later she drank her paint water. Don't worry, they warned us before hand that it wasn't toxic and happened quite frequently. We all swarmed around our creations and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. I would HIGHLY recommend doing this at any kind of party.

After bottle and bottega it was time for dinner - as we were boarding the light rail Andrea let it slip that we were going to Osteria Marco for dinner - Sarah's eyes lit up because she had never been there. We arrived and gorged ourselves on olives, salads, pizza, and chocolate torte. We also feasted our eyes on the Magic Mike waiter when Andrea tried to take his shirt off - no big deal! Once we were finished stripping the waiter and eating our fair share we went out to celebrate on the town.
We went from bar to bar playing trivia games and completing punishments for those who got their trivia wrong. My favorite was when Sarah had to sing and act out "I'm a little teapot" while standing on a chair! She owned it! She also had to take pictures with random men who fit her "Scavenger Hunk" throughout the night. We never completed it but Sarah was determined to find the exact guys not just ones who looked like them.
The night ended with a final lightrail ride home, complete with a drunken dumb guy who tried to sit with Andrea and Sarah - causing Sarah to chew him out and give him a lesson in manners. He told us he wasn't getting married because he wanted to travel and she said "Oh THATS not why you're not married" hahaha!! I love her.
The next morning I woke up early to drink coffee before making delicious french toast and bacon for the bachelorette brunch. We added strawberries and whipped cream and viola! It was delicious. I would call the bachelorette party and brunch a huge success! Now I look forward to celebrating their marriage in Cape Cod this coming week!
Friday morning I woke up early to get ready to depart to Colorado. While packing I loaded my computer and signed in to Yahoo. Of course the first this I saw is the news of the movie theater shootings that took place just hours ago, while I slept. I instantly began crying. The emotion that ripples through ones soul after reading of such a senseless tragedy is breath taking. To imagine being in the moment, in that space, while something so horrendous falls around you in slow motion is heart wrenching and unimaginable. I cannot imagine the pain of those who lost someone on that day in Colorado. I cannot imagine the grieving process of not only those with lost loved ones but of those there to witness the movie-turned-war-zone. My heart and prayers go out to them a hundred times over and I can only hope that solice is coming as the days pass by.
I continued to think of Aurora, Colorado as I loaded my car and found my way to a cracker barrel for breakfast and as I drove the 11 hour trip to Denver. I passed gorgeous landscapes, and boring ones [buck up Kansas]. I heard beautiful songs and listened to testimonies of those at the movie theater and who had lost loves ones flooding through my speakers. At one point as I entered a new highway my GPS registered how many miles till my next turn - my next turn wasn't until Aurora. Each time I looked at the screen I winced. And even so I wondered how something so far removed could effect me so.
In all reality I don't know if its the deaths or the realization of the unexpected. Although I find the deaths to be unmistakably and unshakably tragic I also find the simplicity of it all the scariest. I think what ripped through me more than anything was the thought of enjoying something so simple - a movie with family or friends - only to have the moment and your life ripped from you so easily in a matter of minutes. Death is sad, but death is normal - eventually we will all die and the way it happens may not be as we pictured, but when you are robbed of that life in the middle of a moment - it is exponentially more sad, more grave. So, although I has no connections and no loss - I ache when I think of the smiling faces, waiting for a new scene in the movie, only to awaken to a new life.
The sadness continued as I arrived in Denver and met my sister. While a happy moment commenced with cooking and preparing for the bachelorette party, we could help bringing up the topic over and over throughout the day and evening. I am so blessed to have my family still in my life - and to know that everything will be okay. I can only pray that those effected by what happened in that Aurora movie theater will also know that it will be alright, someday.
Thursday I woke up and hour past my alarm - at 8:30! That day I was going horseback riding with my friend Gus.
I met Gus on a cruise five years ago. I was with Kassie and her family and one day - I don't remember when or where - we met these guys Gus and Anthony. Since Kassie and I each had boyfriends our relationships with them stayed plutonic and we all had a blast hanging out the whole week on the boat. At the time Gus and Kassie paired up, and Anthony and I paired up; funny how no matter what people seem to gravitate toward twos. Obviously Kassie was not on my road trip and Anthony was busy with life - so Gus and I decided we would have our own little reunion!
Gus warned me before I arrived that I was in for some serious a serious redneck rodeo - he figured I may need to prepare myself. Little did he know that we have plenty of rednecks running around Minnesota. When I got to his house we hugged and mused at how shocked we were to meet again, five years later! I got to see the chickens Gus raises and his puppies, which were adorable beyond all means and I would totally have taken if I could. After we finished touring his little piece of heaven he took me out to lunch at the finest little gas station chicken place the worlds ever seen - Champs Chicken! Specializing in fried chicken and - choke - livers and gizzards [so gross]. We then found our way to his friends house - where we ate our food and talked about all sorts of the most redneck stuff - chickens, bars, airsoft guns, and other unmentionable things! ;) Later we went to another mans house to grab Gus' saddle before heading off to go horseback riding.
Back at his parents place we took time to chill out from the 104 degree weather. I convinced him and horseback riding was a grand idea despite the heat and we went out in the pasture to wrangle some horses. After saddling up and drinking plenty of water we went out and rode around in the pecan trees. It was ungodly hot. Like the ridiculous kind of heat where realize heat stroke is a real possibility. After only 30 minutes my legs began to shake and I started to get dizzy, and not from blood sugar issues. We returned as quickly as possible and went inside before I passed out. Gus took the most ridiculous picture of me I have ever seen - and probably the most dangerous. I was so red and so sweaty that my head was throbbing and no amount of water - the entire day - made my headache go away.
After our little break Gus, his father, and I went to pick up his mom from work. His parents are hilarious. They're so full of life and hilarious jokes - the family dynamic is comical. Gus is a typical child, even at 22, out to agonize his parents until they're on the edge of beating him, while he slyly laughs as if he's gotten away with something. Their accents are also priceless - I love how they formed their sentences and the phrases they came up with that I had to ask them to repeat on several occasions.
Needless to say I had a fantastic time hangin in a tiny town east of Tulsa, mingling with the rednecks and having heat stroke :)
Can I just say - Oklahoma is gorgeous. Driving through this state has startled me and brought on a whole new appreciation for this little chunk of the country. I'd always imagined it to be like Nebraska or Kansas - little did I know that rolling hills and lush green trees would greet me as I drove head first into cattle country. My appreciation grew even more yesterday, while Alex and I drove to Turner Falls.
Turner Falls is a water-park-esque area with swimming holes and water slides, and of course, water falls all naturally made. Well - not the water slides - but if not for the dams the whole place was carved out of the Earth by erosion decades ago - leaving perfect summer time fun in it's path. We arrived and made our way to the water slides and diving board. I braced myself for the plunge of around 30 feet and watched as Alex went first - letting out a minor scream before careening into the water butt first. I am so happy I brought a water camera because I got to take pictures of us the whole time we entertained ourselves in the water.
We found our way over to the little water falls and swam under them, all the while I anticipated when we would go to the larger one. Finally, after about an hour, we decided to pick up our things and walk the half mile up the road to the larger water fall. Sadly, when we got there, we found that you are no longer allowed to swim in the waterfalls - apparently there have been deaths related to swimming in the falls and jumping from the rocks. No matter, we made our own fun swimming and laughing as Alex pushed the limits more and more. Eventually we made our way up the side of the hill, barefoot, to climb the side of this little cliff into a cave that sat to the right and above the waterfalls. Getting there was not scary for me, but terrified Alex - climbing up the rock face into the cave was a breeze for her and I was shaking and imagined myself slipping and falling over the falls several times - terrified I asked Alex to help me into the cave. The view was magnificent and well worth the near death experiences we both shared.
Later on, after we had gorged ourselves on fruit cups we watched as three or four people began swimming past the no swimming signs and climb onto the rocks. Slowly we made our way past the no swimming signs and frolicked beneath the waterfalls as we took pictures and tried doing rock-waterfall-yoga haha!
After an hour of this water hole we made our way back down the hill and took two more slips down the slide before succumbing to exhaustion and loading up the car. During the hour long car ride back I fell asleep, leaving Alex to sing to herself while I checked out - sorry!! We made it back just in time to shower and for Alex to make salmon - YUM! At this point it was time for me to go so we picked up our now developed pictures and I was on my way to Tulsa.
Well, I was supposed to make it to Tulsa by 7 for church and as I got on the highway I realized that it takes 2.5 hours to get there, not 1 as my blonde self had previously calculated. So needless to say, I missed church and made it into Tulsa around 9pm. Maggie greeted me with a smile and a hug and I remembered why I liked this girl so much!! After talking for a good two hours we called it quits and went to sleep!
I had such a wonderful time catching up with such a dear friend to me - Thank you for having me stay with you Alex and I cannot wait to see you again! I will post pictures once I have the CD with me :)

Tuesday Linnzie and I had breakfast to bid me farewell. I was on my way to Oklahoma to see my friend Alex. Alex and I became best friends in 1st grade, when I approached her and asked if she wanted to be my friend. We remained friends until I moved away in 4th grade. We kept in touch until we were ten and then lost each others numbers. Somehow, 5 years later, Alex contacted me and we both lived in Virginia again! So we met up, only once, before I moved back to Minnesota.
Now, 7 years later I am visiting Alex again - but this time I found her, on facebook - only two months ago! When I got here I laughed at how Alex now is so much like Alex then - she even has the same laugh! We talked for a good two hours before dinner - she made bay scallop spaghetti, it was so delicious! Afterward we decided on ice skating, which is really just hilarious because she knows what shes doing and shes from Oklahoma and I was so ridiculous, that only being my fifth time on the ice [yes yes I know i'm from Minnesota ha!].
We made our way to Brick Town OKC and sat at a little bar, laughing at all the crazies. I must say, though, Oklahoma has it's share of attractive men! Non of which I would talk to of course, because I am only 4 days into my year long commitment - way to be strong!!
We found that we couldn't last long because we were both exhausted and went home around 10:30.
Today we are going to Turner Falls to swim among the water falls! I am beyond ecstatic!!!
Monday came and Linnzie and I decided a walk would be a good idea. After lunch of course. We went out for lunch at this nice restaurant that I don't know the name of. I got fish and chips but got my fish grilled instead of battered - I wish more people knew you could order it that way because it is beyond amazing!!! After lunch we decided to walk into the shops and such before heading to Home Depot for some home improvement shenanigans.
Once at Home Depot we quickly realized that we would not get our needs met and left. Linnzie had wanted more life size models depicting the options for her new home but they just couldn't cut it. We stopped at this famous barbecue place and picked up dinner before heading to marble slab to celebrate National Ice Cream day - a day late. I got coconut ice cream with almonds and chocolate - it was beyond amazing. I left it in Houston when I left so I hope Linnzie enjoyed the rest of it!!
We made it home just in the nick of time, it began violently thunder storming and raining within five minutes of us getting in the door. This was our opportunity for a movie! After perusing the listings we decided on Mirror Mirror.
Neither of us realized how hilarious this movie was! Filled with banter and odd twists of comedy we laughed our way all the way to the end. I would highly recommend seeing this to anyone - and I would also like to get a taste for the Huntsman [no pun intended!], but have yet to see it.
Linnzie and I then moved on the Extreme Makeover: Weightloss Edition and watched as Nyla shed the pounds - then hankered down for The Bachelorette!!! Ahhh reality TV ridiculousness. I loved seeing Sean on the reunion show - being so sure and ready to start life, lets just say I would love to watch him as the bachelor!!
We finished our reality TV madness with Hells Kitchen before going to sleep. I would say we had a successful visit :) I always love seeing Linnzie and I look forward to seeing Kyle, her, and baby peanut next time i'm in town!! I'm so happy for the marriage Linnzie and Kyle have found - and the new blessing brought into their life!!
Sunday brought church and lunch with my favorite teacher from high school. She was my Spanish teacher and had a way to get through to us as high-schoolers that other teachers lacked. Now i'm not saying we all got straight A's but I am saying that I distinctly remember her having a talk with us about the work it takes to learn a language. Most of us scoffed and thought "I do not want to spend everyday on one subject" but non the less I have taken that with me into other classes during college.
Church service was about marriage [ Is there some theme going on here God??] and what marriage is. Marriage is meant to represent the relationship between God and the Church [ the Church being the body, not the location and the bricks, that make up a congregation]. Marriage is meant to represent how God loves and sacrifices himself for the Church the same way that the Church should sacrifice themselves. The pastor said an interesting thing - he stated that marriage is not for us, marriage is not meant to provide something in our lives. He kept saying "What does this person do for me? How do they do this or that in my life?" - he said that we have it all wrong. Marriage is supposed to be the outward expression of God and his relationship with the Church. When he got into the vows part of a wedding he stressed the fact that for better or for worse meant for better or for worse. I laughed when he said "Well, you might say, I didn't realize it would be this much worser" ha! Stating once again that marriage is not for us, it's not to make our lives better or to make them easier - it's again a union for God. He also says that there are reasons for divorce, reasons in the Bible that are justifiable for divorce - however, he asks if we need to end it just because it isn't going well, just because "we're not us" anymore or "it's not making me happy." One couple he used as an example are on the edge of divorce but the woman says she isn't sure what to do - because although her husband did something worth them divorcing over she wants to make sure she's doing right by God - stating that she'd rather be unhappy in her marriage than disobey God. Now - I must admit this whole sermon is a little hard for me, because I don't understand why God would want us unhappy, but I found some of the message very meaningful and worth taking into a marriage. Amen. out
After Church we took her [adorable beyond all reason] kids to Chuys for lunch. After talking for the first fifteen minutes and never opening our menus I decided to concentrate. Apparently she gets the same thing every time so after a few minutes I told her what I was getting and it was the same thing!! After an hour or so of talking and eating, well I was eating - Poor Jaclyn could hardly get a bite in because her children were dominating her existence, we went back to her house and I set out on my way to Linnzie's. I loved catching up with Jaclyn and meeting her newest little man. It feels good knowing that I have kept in touch with someone who I loved going to class with every day in high school - and it feels even better being able to tell my story and be proud of where I'm at in life, because God knows my teachers in high school prayed for me.

It's off to see Linnzie, the wonderful Linnzie of love! Linnzie, as most of you know, was my roommate in Colorado. When we all moved in together Sarah was worried that we wouldn't get along. She could not have been more wrong. Through laughter and morning dance parties we each found a special place in our hearts and she is definitely one of my best friends. Once I got to her house we decided to go shopping for a while. We made it to the Galleria just fine and found ourselves in the maternity store, where Linnzie picked out clothes and I strapped a fake baby belly on to see what it would be like. It was so funny, that we decided a picture was in order! Soon enough Linnzie and I were walking around the mall like 70 year old women, complaining of aches and pains, sitting down - and even both letting out a sigh at the same time when we got on the escalator! My pain was due to my back and a lack of medical care - hers of course was 7 months of pregnancy. We called it quits and drove home, exhausted but laughing our butts off about being the youngest old people there. Kyle greeted us with a delicious Chicken Alfredo [ I was forced to capitilize that?? ] dinner, yum! Sleep came quickly after that!!
Saturday was my day with Reignie and Charlie. I woke up at 7 and typed up my blog, watched a sermon, and stalked people on facebook [confessions of a serial creeper]. Once they woke up we decided to head to lunch - we settled on Five Guys Burgers and Fries!! I had never ever been there but it was amazingly deliciously awesome! I must admit, my double cheese burger with sauteed onions, mayo, ketchup, and mustard was ridiculous. My mouth is now watering.

We decided that we'd all enjoy bowling so we set out to the nearest Target to get socks for our little toes - only to find out that they provide socks there. We spent an hour bowling our cares away haha! Really, we bowled two games and took joy in seeing how fast our ball could go [flying] down the lane (into the gutter) until our money had been all spent. It was time for something new.
Driving down the road we found ourselves at a mini golf place. We decided that would be fun and purchased tickets. I think we were the most uncoordinated golfers there. Reignie's ball ended up in the water four times, mine one, and Charlie joined in the swimming as well! Not only that but we were laughing so hard at our various photo shoots that we had to allow three guys to pass us - who ended up being really slow and inconsiderate players as they goofed off even with a line behind them!! We eventually found our way back to the ticket station - Charlie won with a wopping 27 points, Reignie came in third at 47, and I came in second with 35. Seeing as we had so much fun and weren't quite ready to go home, we decided it was time for the batting cages.

I have never been in a batting cage - and anyone who knows me know that I am terrified of baseballs. I always think they're going to knock me out or give me a black eye or some other painful unforeseen injury. So as I took picture of Reignie and Charlie in the cage I mentally prepared myself for what was to come. When I had my helmet on and bat in hand I plopped the quarters into the softball side of the machine. I know the sign said slow pitch but I could have sworn those balls were flying at me at 100mph! The first few whizzed past me and a few even bounced off the mat and hit me on the back but eventually I found my place. After that I hit 7 in a row!! One after the other I hit them and then watched in amazement as if that couldn't have been me hitting them. When I walked out I was so excited - the picture actually makes me laugh out loud!!

Once we were finished we went home to change and go out to dinner - we chose a nice little sushi place. Well the first place we chose was not nice, the atmosphere felt all wrong. However the second place was perfect, a nice atmosphere and quick service. We scarfed our faces with sushi and headed over to a little ice-cream place for Charlie and Reignie :)
The night ended with comic hour and the Jhanke household. We laughed hysterically through Kat Williams Pimp Chronicles,a couple guys I can't remember the name of, and Whitney Cummings, all of which are not recommended for children or the easily offended but I was nearly crying the whole time I was laughing so hard!!
I would say my little outing with Reignie and Charlie was perfect. It was wonderful to also see her brother Tayler and catch up with the whole crew. I really enjoyed my time and cannot wait to visit again!!
Today is July 14, 2012 and I am taking the 1 year challenge. The challenge abstain from dating for one year.
Sitting in Reignie and Charlies place, waiting for them to awaken, I decided to continue with the sermons I have been watching. I settled into bed to prepare for the next hour - part three of four. As I watched the screen I became increasingly weary. About half way through I began crying. Not that ridiculous sobbing, just crying. Playing across the screen was exactly what God had intended by me joining POF. I knew I didn't want to date anyone, however, I felt compelled to join that dating website - and again, I would have never seen these sermons had I not decided to join. Eventually it came to a point where Andy mentioned, once again, his one year challenge. I had seen this one year challenge in the second part - pertaining to men - and I literally laughed out loud when he said it. I knew that no body would do that, it seemed extreme. This was different, this time he was talking to me. I've never been promiscuous but I hadn't lived my life, in that respect, in a way that I could be particularly proud of.
He showed an email from a woman who had done the one year challenge and while it was being read I began crying harder. Now I was in full on sob until I can't breathe mode. The ridiculous, heart wrenching, painful sobs. The kind that when its over you feel like some deep pain has been released. It was then, sobbing into tissues, taking deep breaths, that I decided to take the one year challenge.
For the next year I will abstain from dating and [obviously] any sexual activity. I will concentrate on my relationship with God and learn what it means to turn to Him in times of loneliness and distress. I will learn to love myself for who he has made me. And I hope that I will ultimately learn what He wants for me in a partner, in a life long love. In a best friend.
I am rarely so candid on this blog, and I even considered not sharing this. Knowing that people know that pain is hard and a little embarrassing but I am publishing with the knowledge that other people have this pain too. Most more so than I. Some with much deeper scars than I could imagine. I am sharing this for the support of many people because while I am devoted to this cause, I am afraid of failing, as I know they are as well. Maybe others will join me, or just offer support. Either way, let the growth begin :)
Part 3 of 4 : Designer Sex
Yesterday brought a four hour drive from Baton Rouge to Houston. I didn't stop once and found myself ridiculously exhausted after waking up at 5:30 and driving through white out conditions to get to my destination. Now if only this rain were headed for Colorado!
One thing I have noticed on my trek across the Bible belt - the further you are from the belt, the fewer the Christian radio stations - and the closer you are to Texas the more Spanish stations you come across. By the time I got into Houston I was hitting Espanol every other station and found one crackling Christian station. In Tennessee the grocery stores and ice cream shops played Christian music - which is rare obviously but it was nice haha!
Reignie ended up having to work so I spent my day with Linnzie, feeling her baby kicks and feeding [our] constant cravings. I blame my cravings on being with a pregnant woman! ha! Needless to say we ate delicious Mexican food and headed to Ooh La La dessert bakery after lunch. I also got to see the beautiful house they're looking into purchasing. A gorgeous four bedroom in the heart of a nice community that boasts excellent schools. I am very happy for them :)
After my little rondevu with Linnzie I headed over to Reignie's to hang out with her husband and brother. I convinced them that watching Lonesome Dove was a good idea and them mused as we all quickly lost interest, them in their video games and me in the last episode of The Bachelorette. I would just like to say that Sean better be the new Bachelor because that man is dreamy. He's exactly how I like my tea - Strong, Sweet, and Southern ;) She has two wimps left.
I chose to watch the second part of the Love, Sex, and Dating series of sermons that I blogged about last week while waiting to pick up Rei from work. The second part is about men and how they should treat women. He outlines the role porn and music play in the way men view women - urging men to delete the words bitch and whore from their songs and language. Excuse the language. His reasonings for this seemed a little extreme to me, I agreed with his logic to an extent but also felt he failed to mention how God views porn. Either way - extremely educational and once again I would recommend this series not only for men, but for women as well! I will post the link at the end :)
At around midnight Charlie and I loaded up the car and drove to pick up his blushing bride! After loading into the car we headed to Denny's for dinner [?] where I opted for the Pancake Puppies haha!! They were okay, I probably wouldn't order them again though :) So far I am once again enjoying my time spending time with great people whom I love!!
Part 2: Gentleman's Club - Go to bottom of page and click [2]
Yesterday I failed to mention Front Porch Honky; also known as hangin out on your front porch drinking beer and taking in all that passes in front of your front porch. Now - I do not drink beer but I do watch all that goes on and I would love to tell you about the beautiful things that happen on any day in this Baton Rouge neighborhood.
While sitting in the swing on the porch several things took place - one of those things being a random man riding his bike with a huge pad of paper. While we're sitting there Robert calls out "Hey!! What do you draw? Come draw this girl!" These moments always make me shy, as I would prefer wave and let people be on their way, but instead the man came and drew my picture for twenty bucks! After that he told me about a little girl who likes to come up and pet their bunny statue - not even five minutes later that same little girl came walking up with her grandma to pet the bunny [whose name is Anna, as of tonight]. Some time later a woman passed by, walking her dog, and following faithfully behind - was her cat. That's right, her cat follows her on their walks lol! The night before, as I was hanging out there by myself I heard the faint sound of a harmonica and it gradually got louder - as a this harmonica player and a child spilled onto the porch in a fit of laughter. I listed, smiling, to the movie like moment; the harmonica playing in the still dark night, as a child dances around laughing giddily at the sound of the music. I could continue but I think you get it! A beautiful night.

I woke at 5:30am in order to ride into New Orleans with Robert this morning. We arrived around 8 at the Whole Foods they're renovating and then went out for lunch at a little place called the Camelia Grille. A sweet little place with bar-stool seating and yummy food. Normally I can't handle the idea of watching someone cook my food but by keeping occupied I managed to eat most of it :) All of this while downing a whole bottle of yogurt smoothie that I got from Whole Foods to make my tummy feel better!
We decided I should ride the trolly to Canal St. in order to see all that New Orleans has to offer. I gladly accepted this suggestion and boarded the trolly, book in hand! While riding down the tracks I began to notice beads, lots and lots of beads, hanging from every tree and power line running along the road. I guess I expected to see this only on Bourbon St. - but I was wrong!

Sadly the trolly tracks were under construction so my view of the gorgeous homes lining the road was cut short and I was loaded onto a bus destined for Canal St. I exited the bus and headed toward Jackson Square, cutting through the French Quarter. While walking I began to notice a trend - nothing it open before 10am - and it was only 9. I found myself wandering down an ally into a little garden where I pleasantly came upon a bathroom!! I sat in the garden for an hour and read my book, slowly allowing my body to take on the heat that was rising up around me.

I eventually found my way into a bar - The Blacksmith Shop - and had two glasses of water. I was there all by myself for a good fifteen minutes and then all at once I was surrounded by a group on 12 men, followed by a few different couples and singles. I went from silent relaxation to party time in a matter of 3 minutes; such is New Orleans on Bourbon St!!
Eventually Robert came to my rescue and we ate dinner at Oceana before I got a 30 minute massage from some angry money monger Asians in a little corner store. My lunch was delicious and the massage only [almost] worth the money. I should have waited a while but my pain has been particularly ridiculous the past few days!
Once we had bid the Big Easy goodbye we decided to embark on a swamp tour!!! Can you say "HEATHER" any more than with a swamp tour??? I was ecstatic! I mean New Orleans was cool, Bourbon street great [no beads though aaaand I thought it was bigger??] but if you want to know the way to my heart, its through some outdoor adventure!!
We got there early and got to see baby alligators, huge turtles, and a muskrat thing that I cannot recall the name of. We boarded the boat a few minutes late and headed out into the canal. A canal is man-made where as the bayou is natural. A little learning! We saw four or five gators and the man even had one on his boat we got to hold! I learned that for ever inch between the eyes to the end of the snout is about how long a gator is. They can never go face first down into the water, they sink down with their snout up so as not to drown. Their hearts have four chambers ::gasp:: and they can stay under water four up to an hour and a half due to two large air pockets. Oh yes and they have two stomachs. Hmm I could continue on and on but i'll save it for my memory.

Our tour guide was nuts! They used to be able to feed the gators marshmallows to get them to do tricks and stuff but after the government bought their land they made a rule that they couldn't feed the gators. They are the only swamp tour company that cannot feed the gators. Needless to say they find other ways to get the alligators to do stuff. He actually laid on his stomach, slapping the water with a rag and throwing ice cubes in the water until they came up to the boat. He then angered them by tapping their snouts and slapping the rag in front of their faces - one even hissed at him, about 6 inches from his face!!! He complained that he wanted to show us more but I was beyond impressed and loved every minute of it!

After a ridiculously long day Robert and I headed back on the two hour drive home. Now I am here, I cannot feel my legs, and I am tired with elation at my wonderful trip to Louisiana! It's been a great two days and I am so appreciative of Robert and Anita for showing my a wonderful time in two wonderful cities. Time for sleep! Exhale.
I woke up this morning, ready to face the day! I only woke up briefly at five before rolling out of bed half conscious at 7am. Anita greeted me with waffles and coffee in her nice china cups! Yesterday we decided that today would by my Baton Rouge day and tomorrow New Orleans baby!! After catching up on email and such I got myself ready and headed out toward LSU and Mike the Tiger.
Talk about gorgeous country. Louisiana is what all Southern novels describe. It's as if you're dropped right into the early 20th century, surrounded by gorgeous views, front porch talk, and thick southern drawls. All accompanied by nice homes and nicer outfits. I feel as though I'm meeting the old Southern gentry every corner I turn. I was surprised to find how segregated the neighborhoods are. I've been told this on several occasions but driving from one end of town to the other you can distinctly see where the white neighborhoods end and the black neighborhoods begin.
This is the the first place I've been in the South where whole hoards of people try to look nice and somehow, in a college town, they all have the sweet drawls of dreams. This is the accent people mimic when they mimic that southern drawl. I know I seem captivated, and in every sense of the word - I am.
Walking through the streets of the LSU campus I was captivated by how large it is. Just the parking lots combined would be the size of both of my colleges in Minnesota and Colorado. Needless to say I chose one place to go - Mike the Tigers habitat.
I got there just as it began to storm and got to see Mike come alive with the water. The faster the rain drops fell, the more riled he became - frolicking across his lawn as if singing "Pour some sugar on meee!!" Just kidding :) As I watched Mike do his best Def Leppard impression I went on a mission to find Linnzie's brick in the ground. Right as the rain picked up I found her parents bricks but not hers. Eventually I sat under an awning waiting for the rain to pass, bummed I couldn't find her brick. After deciding the storm wasn't going anywhere, anytime soon, I headed back to the car and as I looked down I saw her brick!! Snapped a picture and happily went on my way!

I stopped into the Chimes Restaurant on Chimes Street [original] just as Linnzie had instructed. I ordered red beans and rice, mac n cheese, and sweet potato waffle fries. I shouldn't have to say how utterly exciting sweet potato waffle fries are!!
After lunch I headed down to see the old capital building and got a grand education on the history of Louisiana's governors, or more specifically Huey Long - whose extremely controversial run as governor ended with him being assassinated by a doctor. Needless to say - he reminded me of our current state of affairs.
As I was heading toward the Magnolia Plantation I found myself back in front of Robert and Anita's house - I took that as a cue to take a nap and crawled into bed. Two hours later [ I must like two hour naps ] I woke up with a wicked gut ache and have been down for the count ever since! Today ended up being a take it easy kind of day but I am looking forward to touring the old history of New Orleans tomorrow!!
Monday brought hurried packing and quick gulps of coffee through blurry vision. The day of my departure from Tennessee. I left at 6:45am in order to make it to Pigeon Forge to have breakfast with Sandy's parents. On the way there every time I would turn my head the road would slowly follow after - it was getting apparent that I hadn't had enough sleep. Once I arrived at their place I sat down on the couch to talk, next thing I know i'm laying down and Grandad is telling me to take a nap. Next thing I know I have slept for TWO HOURS! I know that I needed it, but talk about postponing your plans ha! Once awake the grandparents and I dropped my car off for an oil change and went out to eat at IHOP, where I enjoyed a delicious quesadilla!
After parting ways I set out for the great state of Mississippi!! To be honest I cannot remember the whole trip - I was too busy yapping away on the phone and mindlessly following the directions of my GPS. And by mindlessly I mean that when my GPS suddenly lost me and I called Sandy, I could not even tell her the street I was on let alone the city and state I was in! It turns out I was still in Tennessee when I had only two hours to go until I made it to where I was going. My GPS was taking me a way that I would bypass Alabama all together. Not only that but it had no idea where I was going and once it found me it was on a death con mission to send me down Natchez Trace Parkway - which just so happens to have zero street lights or towns along its winding roads. Scratch that. I got directions from Diddy and headed on my way.

I was welcomed by purple hull peas [we MUST get these in Minnesota, seriously] and chicken salad. Delicious. Of course, dinner would not be complete without dessert, so I decided to indulge in the chocolate cake Grandma made - yummm!!
I slept like a rock through the night, waking only to my alarm at 7am. After pouring myself a cup of coffee and meandering my way out the door, I sat out on the porch with diddy until he put me to work picking cucumbers and bringing in peaches. We ate eggs, biscuits, and pork tenderloin for breakfast before I had to be on my way to Louisiana.
On my way, my GPS once again got temporary amnesia and I pulled over to use my sweet atlas at least twice [tongue twister much?]. I shall thank William for that atlas because it got me all the way to Cleveland Mississippi where I had a delicious lunch with my friend Josh. It was fun stopping in to see someone from Minnesota - and I was the first person to go visit him while he's in school!!
Once I realized that Baton Rouge was 5 hours, not 3 hours, from where I was we wrapped our visit up fairly quickly and I continued my descent into the dirty south. Five hours later I was driving under the branches of live oaks giggling my way onto the street where Robert and Anita live. After two hours of chit chat we find our way inside and settled in for sleep!
Songs of the Day [I'm like a blog DJ]
Glass- Thompson Square
I'm Yours - Jason Mraz
Forever and Always - Shania Twain
Free Fallin' - Tom Petty
American Pie - Don McLean
Holy is The Lord - Chris Tomlin