Saturday, August 11, 2012

We'll meet in the middle ?

So, more thoughts on this whole one year challenge bit. If the one year challenge and/or my journey to Vet school is of no interest to you - I should warn you now - that those are going to be the topics of this blog from here on out :) you have been warned. 

Now, back to the subject matter. I was thinking today, after a series of run ins with a couple men whom I found myself attracted to, about the importance of common goals. Strange, I know. Most people tell me that this is extremely important but I wonder how important it truly is in comparison to the love you share. 

For example, if I were to meet the man of my dreams - feelings wise, chemistry is great, friendship great, trust, honesty, a love for God. Its all there - however, we have fairly different goals which include but are not limited to job, lifestyle, number of children, place [farm vs. city], etc. - how much does that matter?

It seems to me that there are plenty of unhappy people who married because all of their goals matched up but none of the foundation was there. Equally it seems as though many people married for the feelings and ended up unhappy at the realization that neither had the same goals. And with that there are people who find each other, fall madly in love and somehow incorporate the dreams of one another into their lives. 

I feel as though I just got a bingo. Maybe this blog is really only for me - to type out my thoughts and have random epiphanys. Thank you Lord. I think the point is that by the end of this year I should have worked not only on patience, kindness, boasting, but - as stated in the sermons - not looking to self serve. Love is not self serving. Part of being in a happy marriage is being able to blend goals and dreams. In order to do that though everything else has to be there - patience, trust, consideration, and the rest of 1 Corinthians 13. 

I'm working on this.boom. 

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