Day 10: Boston to Cape Cod!

For those of you unaware, I do not have access to my computer at this time, so I will not be able to put up pictures until after I get it up and running! Yesterday Diana and I woke up fairly late, 8am, and after eating breakfast and having coffee we headed out to see the brass ducklings! So exciting! I don't know why but I think that was one of the best things about that park. There was even this huge swans nest blocked off from the public because apparantly people cannot restrain themselves and swans will kill any predators! After watching kids tumble around the duckling statues we headed back toward Diana's place.

Once there, we packed up a little and headed out to Harvard. It was beautiful, but I can totally tell that people go there primarily to say they went to Harvard - because the campus wasn't all that special. I did not feel smarter being there but I did pretend I was touring there as a soon to be student so that I didn't feel awkward about all the stares haha!! I thought we would stay longer but truth is, it wasn't nearly as interesting as I thought so once I could say that i've been to Harvard I was satisfied and we moseyed on back to the car to head home and pack for the Cape.

It took us over an hour to travel 12 miles once we got the cars loaded and ready to go. When we were finally moving it took us another hour to hit the cape. I missed the sign that said "Welcome to Cape Cod" and I was bummed but oh well! Again, just like everywhere else, it is gorgeous here. I swear so far nothing seems to be able to disappoint me on this trip. Driving down D&D's dirt road I had a chance to see all of the beautiful houses and quaint beach decor. Arriving at D&D's cottage I was squealing with excitement - they have the most HGTV looking cottage ever - it is seriously everything somebody would want. I keep resisting the urge to call it a cabin because obviously in Minnesota, anything on water is a cabin haha! Diana's nephew Sean came over and we all headed down to the ocean for him to dive on in - I thought he was nuts but apparently it wasn't so bad. While getting ready to go out to dinner my stomach was struck with the most aweful pain imagineable and when Diana took my temperature I had a fever of a 102.

Needless to say, I didn't get my blog done or go out to dinner but rather I ate soup, took a hot bath, and went to bed around 9:30. Today I am looking forward to experiencing all the cape has to offer!!!
Feel Better <3 Love you!