Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day 19: Thats what I love about Sunday

Yesterday I slept past my alarm by 45 minutes - no big deal. My intentions were to type up the blog and fix breakfast - instead I started my blog and Jason came in to make it. I wasn't even done with the blog by the time he finished due to the constant distractions, ha! You've gotta love kids. After breakfast we all lounged around and got ready for church. At their church they have a late afternoon service that also serves lunch beforehand. I think this is a fantastic idea and lunch was absolutely delicious. They even had a huge table of desserts. Since it was their 204 anniversary people were dressed up in old time outfits - non of which I got a picture of. As we sat in the pews we listened to the district superintendent preach. Obviously he his main message centered on the pentecost. I went into church not knowing what that meant - and I just found out, while sitting in the kitchen right now - that I still didn't know what it meant. I thought it was the day Jesus rose to heaven, but Jason corrected us, explaining that it is the day the holy spirit was given to us by God. So, back to the preacher man preachin his word. His message was that pentecost is the day, essentially, that the church was born. Not that the physical place was born - but that the holy spirit could dwell in us, making church a place inside of us. He said this all much better than I can relay but you get the point. He then told a story to help drive the point home. Its about a woman who was driving a nice car. She was stopped behind a car at a redlight and when the light turned green the car in front of her wouldn't go. She began honking and swearing at the driver, even flicking the driver off while she yelled incessent things and continued honking the horn. Finally she went around the driver and at that point drove through a now red light. A police officer pulled her over and arrested her. She was still swearing as she was put into the backseat of the car. After a few minutes the police officer took her out and undid the handcuffs. He explained "I'm sorry ma'am, when I saw the name of a church on the front of your car and a bumper sticker saying I believe in the ten commandements as well as your fish symbol on the back of your car and then saw your behavior I thought surely you had stolen the car." hahaha!! I thought that was so funny, his main point being that the church lives inside of us and as christians we are an example of Jesus and what he lived and died for. Our actions can bring people to Jesus or push them very far away. Anyway, it really stood out for me. I love when pastors use jokes in their sermons to tie the message together! If we say we are christians but act in a way that completely contradicts that - then people will question the premise of that statement. After church Sandy and I went grocery shopping for four hours in order to prepare for the Memorial Day BBQ. Today we are finding different poems for the kids to read to the party in order to honor those who gave their lives for us. Sandy wants me to read the Gettysburg Address - so, I'll have updates on that later!!

Songs of the day:
Heaven Let Your Light Shine Down - Collective Soul [They actually sang this in church ha!]
Strong Tower- Kutless

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