Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 7: Last day in New York

Only a week in and I'm already a day behind on my blog! Yesterday was an easy going, very wet day. I headed over to hang out with Lindsay before she headed off to work. We ate at a little restaurant called Candle Cafe or something. It's a vegetarian place, so I was nervous. I got the paradise casserole which was comprised of sweet potatoes, black beans, and millet. Two of those are my absolute favorite so I gave it a chance - fricken delicious. I cannot explain the wonderfulness of that dish. The other items we ate weren't bad either but the tofu cheesecake will not be on my list of top 100 things to eat ever again, thats for sure. Besides the cheesecake, I would recommend trying a vegetarian restaurant. Lunch went late so I headed over to the Metropolitan Museum of Art alone while Lindsay went to do her duty as "lead server" hehe.
Now, i'm not a museum girl - but I tried. I strolled through the greek nude statues and a little bit of egyptian stuff. I even checked out the nude picture gallery; impressive but I wasn't ready for the history of porn portion, no matter how mild. No surprise, I ended up in the American wing staring at pictures of forests, civil war history, and camping pictures. While I am glad I got to the Met I have confirmed once again that museums just arent my thing.
Where I would have liked to spend more time was in Central Park.
 I passed by there on my way to the subway and it was beautiful but seeing as I was alone and it was raining I decided just to head over to Lindsay's workplace. There I sat for three hours, ordering appetizers and tea while chatting it up with the bartenders. Once Megan got off work she met me at the bar. From there we went and ate mexican food. For the second time in my life I was sorely disappointed by the prices and lack of burritos! Apparently nice mexican restaurants don't fancy tex mex - well I do! Either way, it was delicious. That night I did my third ever facial on Megan and I felt much more confident in my Mary Kay abilities - although I am still taking it slow. Last night in New York - very laid back, and successful. Sadly I do not have pictures right now, as I am not on my computer!! :)

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