Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 8: Boston Baby!

It has been a loooong five days. It's been a long week in fact. But I am one lucky girl to be able to take part in such an amazing journey. This morning I left New York. I cannot explain how thankful I am to Megan and Lindsay for showing me such hospitality and a great time. I would not have had nearly as much fun without those girls. I loved the people I met, the wonderful culture present in that city, and the appreciation it made me have for greenery in this world! I look forward to visiting again during Christmas hopefully. I had so much fun at my little farewell breakfast with Danny and Lindsay this morning before setting out to Boston. The trip to Boston was short and sweet. I found out where Connecticut is located hahaha and that together with Boston they have the cheapest toll roads, thank God! I could not have taken another expensive road. Once in Boston I kept trying to find the city and it's like it doesn't exist!
This city is AMAZING, absolutely gorgeous. Even in the middle of the city it's like you're strolling through parks. I am totally in love with how quaint a huge city can truly be. Not only that but I LOVE the apartment D&D are in. Its got a wonderful bay window overlooking the park. After showering, doing laundry, and relaxing for a few Diana and I headed out to B & G restaurant. We had the most delicious deviled eggs my mouth has ever had the pleasure of consuming.
The flavor was magnificent, I can't place what the seasoning was - and on top was pieces of crab meat. I had blue cod with vegetables that was to die for and as a side we had parmesan mac and cheese. Richest mac and cheese I have ever tasted - and it was made with orzo! To top it off we had rubarb tart, not as tart as I would have liked but still delicious. Exhausted, Diana and I headed back and now I am so ready for sleep it is ridiculous! Until tomorrow when I do the freedom tour and go about other parts of Boston with Patty and Diana! So excited :)

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