Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Slow Down

Tonight is the night. My last night in town before I embark on my three month journey across our wonderful country!! I am so excited, but I have noticed a common theme in my life. I cannot just relax!! I find that I almost crave being busy. Let me tell you about my day. 7:45am wake up, surprise clean the house for Avery. 10am brunch with the best little cousin anyone could ever hope for. 1, change my own windshield wipers for the first time ever [thank you very much!]. 1:30 meeting with Mary Kay director to get my stuff together. 3 finish cleaning apartment, bring stuff over to storage unit. 5 pick up my wonderful besties from the airport as they somehow muster enough Vegas energy to run up and hug me. 6:30 Sam’s Club shopping with my papa followed by a delicious dinner where we were so graciously served by the beautiful Taylor. And finally, 9:30pm, my two very first facials!! I performed these facials on two of my best friends and let me tell you - they really opened my eyes to how difficult this will be!! I not only stumbled but I was also not exactly prepared. Thank God for friends to help me learn the ropes. Moral of the story - I need to slooow down! Speaking of slowing down, this girl got another speeding ticket yesterday!! As most of you are aware, I have a led foot. I may actually have a led leg. I get pulled over on a monthly basis. Thanks baby Jesus for making sure I got a cop with a good heart - he only wrote me up for 7 over so that it wouldn't go on my record. Some lookin out there buddy! Honestly, I have realized, I always over book myself. In a perfect world I should have waited to join Mary Kay but hey, sometimes we jump way before we see the bottom and we just have to take those leaps of faith in life. I have decided I will take it slow. This vacation is about taking life in and breathing life out. It's about stopping to smell the flowers and appreciating what's around me. Yes I am a busy girl, I enjoy having a full plate but at the end of the day I sometimes just want to take that plate and hurl it across a room and listen as the porcelain shatters into a million beautiful pieces. Before I take off tomorrow, I am going to take a deep breath, exhale, and drive away - reminding myself to do that each time I allow my mind to take off full throttle on some unnecessary escapade. Here’s to a slow three months. Because let's be honest, I may never have an opportunity not to be busy for a very long time after this summer. Exhale.

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