Friday, May 25, 2012

Day 16: Beach, Smore's, and Movie Night

I want to live on a lake. No matter how small. Because yesterday when I woke up, added to the many other days I woke up on the water, I have decided that nothing beats drinking coffee and staring out at the water. The early morning haze creates a calming sensation and as it disappears, so does your sleepiness. Yesterday I typed my blog while watching this haze disappear and listened to Chloe and her family mingle around the house. We went out to run an errand before Evan woke up and on the way back stopped in for handmade donuts. You get to pick your toppings and everything. I saw several of these places along the road - I think Minnesota needs to get with the program. I suppose I just need to learn how to make my own donuts :) After we got back and packed Evan up we drove over to the beach.
 As we drove along trying to find a parking spot we were cut off by half a dozen fire trucks and 3 ambulances all parked along the spaces with their sirens flashing. Plan B, we parked kind of a ways down and walked up. While we walked and scanned for places to grab lunch a woman started calling to us to come enjoy their Irish Eyes - that was the name of the restaurant. She kept repeating for us to come in and told us how good their food was [relentless], so we gave in and sat down. The food was good but the lady was weird pretty much the whole time. After lunch I kicked off my sandles and we strolled the beach.
The waves were wicked huge and I wished I had my bathing suite so I could go swimming in them - but after testing the waters in comparison to the temperature outside I decided I probably didn't want to go swimming anyway. Evan was, as always, happy and giggling running around the sand with the balloon he had gotten at Irish Eyes. He is so funny because every time Chloe says something or directs him he goes "No way wuvy" - thats what he calls her, Wuvy. Like lovey with a W.
Of course he always ends up listening but his expressionless face and emotionless tone when he says it makes me burst out laughing everytime. Walking, and running, down the board walk Evan said "Hi" to everyone and even walked up to some old man and showed him his balloon. We got icecream - mine an icecream sandwhich and Evan a spongebob cycle - and as we ate Evan slowly turned shades of red and yellow from the dye on in the icecream. Running back to the car Evan dropped his icecream and stared at it as if something extremely monumental and tragic had just occured. Once we got back to the house Evan and I, boiling over with energy, wanted to go outside - so Chloe took us out to play haha!
No but really, Evan and I ran around like crazy kids playing frisbee and laughing. He does this thing where he just runs at you and doesn't stop until hes toppled you over - poor Chloe! Her whole back was covered in grass scratches. Grass wounds aside I had a blast with them. For dinner we had turkey burgers and sweet potato fries - delicious. Craig came over and we all went out to start a bon fire for smore's.
 Craig thought we needed lighter fluid to start the fire so when he went back home to get some I took over and when he got back I had a roaring fire - no lighter fluid needed - that's how us Minnesota girls get the job done ;) I felt bad taking his little man moment away but it is me after all. After we each scarfed down three smore's we headed inside for We Bought a Zoo. Craig left about 20 minutes in and I bawled half the movie - something I am sure he did not want to sit around for. Chloe kept warning me about parts I would cry at and she was right every time.  I loved it - I love all those sappy little heart warming happy movies. Sadly, the actual family that bought a zoo that the movie is based on lives in the UK or somewhere not here. Either way - I would watch it again. Today I head to Virginia, it has been so wonderful seeing Chloe and meeting her family after four years of friendship. I really appreciate all of the hospitality everyone has shown me on this trip.

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