Today started out with a wonderful little breakfast out on the peir with my father. I had corn beef hash with two eggs, over easy - yummm!!! Again, I cannot say enough wonderful things about Lake Geneva. I have decided that I am either moving there, getting married there, or visiting there again next year. As most of you know, this will probably change with time ha! I left about 9am, bound for Harrisburg, PA. I made it into Illinois fairly quickly - and was instantaneously disappointed. I must say that Illinois is the worst state I have been through or to thus far in my life. My friend Tina asked me if it was worse than Nebraska, to which I said absolutely. Nebraska may be boring but nothing beats the ridiculous speed changes, horrible congestion of Chicago, and the pure ugliness that emits from that state. I challenge someone to inspire love in my heart for that state based on my first impression. I tried, as my father suggested, finding the beauty in a city. Truly taking in what the human mind can create and while I have an appreciation for what our minds can cultivate - this trip has confirmed what I have always known. I am a small town girl all the way to my core.
And no Dad, it's not for any "environmental wacko" reasons ;) After getting lost twice in back neighborhoods in Chicago - the sign for a Bass Pro Shop some fifty miles down the highway instantly made me feel safe and comforted! Every different farm I saw, I pictured myself nestled nicely with my big family and little farmette [a word my dad and I saw on a property listing ha!]. Enough people I know cannot stop gushing about it so there must be some sort of charm fighting its way through the dirty streets and smog filled air. Pretty much right when I got to Indiana the setting changed from annoying and ugly to lush and green. Filling me with a sense of calm and excitement once again! Add to that the wonderfully awesome 70 MPH speed limit from there all the way through Ohio and I was pretty content with all that I witnessed. Along my trip I nibbled on craisens mixed with almonds, figured out how to drink out of the applesauce containers, and dipped some delicious broccoli in ranch! Although I would totally recommend broccoli as a road snack I must warn all road-trippers that broccoli burps are sure to follow! Ick, right? I agree.
Creepy Indiana toll mascot
Driving from Indiana and through Ohio I noted how much of the United States is made up of farming communities. This is interesting because most of our youth do not seek out jobs in this field of work. Understandable, considering the pay associated with farming but farmers truly are the backbone of this country and I have immense respect for them and their contribution. Once I hit the six hour mark, half way to Harrisburg, I was beginning to get bored. This is where trusty old Cracker Barrel comes in. Minnesota can only boast one of these magnificent establishments - in Lakeville - however, in the Eastern and Southern United States, Cracker Barrel's are a staple and can be found frequently. At these restaurants not only can you get a cheap meal but you can do like me and get a book on CD. I chose Happy Ever After by Nora Roberts. So - for the next 6/7 hours I was basically so glued to Parker the wedding planner being swooned by bad-boy sweetheart Malcolm that I only mentily broke away breifly to notice my surroundings. However, when I did notice what was going on, I noticed that Pennsylvania is hands down one of the most beautiful states I have ever been to! There are huge rolling hills and the landscape is so lush and green. I just love it. Upon arriving at my hotel I got valet parking. Exhausted, I only chose a few things out of my trunk and headed up the elevator. Once in my room I realized I had forgotten three key things - so I ran downstairs to wait for the valet man. When he came up I asked if he could pull my car around, to which he responded that he would just grab my things. well - I replied - "I need a briefcase that holds my bible and computer and . . . my teddy bear" haha!! When the guy came back upstairs he poked Rufus out of the door and wiggled him around like he was trying to make a baby laugh! Ahhh!! Embarrassing but so funny. Now - I need sleep more than ever before. Looking forward to a wonderful nights rest and a great drive into New York tomorrow!
What a funny story about your little bear. I'm so glad you're having a good time.
I know, isn't it?? :)