Day 15: Washington DC Day 2 and Chloe!!!
Yesterday I woke up at 7 in a much better mood. After showering and making coffee, I sat out on the porch taking in the humid morning air and typing my blog. I took the train down to D.C and went about going to my tour of the Potomac River. I was excited because I got to take a different colored bus tour line and see a whole other part of DC on my way. We passed Embassy Row where diplomats from other countries stay. We drove through George Town, with its beautiful homes and quaint little shops I am sure the pricetag to live there is high. Since the tour guide took his sweet time leaving the station we didn't show up to the tour until 15 after 11 and the boat only leaves every hour on the hour. So we all sat, waiting patiently for the boat to come back around. At 5 to noon the boat came back and so did a flood of Asian tourists. The captain told us we had to let the Asian tourists on first because they were a large group.
Naturally I took the back of the line because I wasn't going to fight my way to the front. Well apparently that was a mistake because when it got to me, I stood there alone, as the captain and his first little matey scanned the boat and told me there wasn't a seat left for me.
I exclaimed that I had waited an hour and they said sorry and I turned away, went to sit down, and started crying. hahaha maybe dramatic but I had come down to DC instead of going to Delaware primarily for this boat cruise and I was already an hour behind. While I was figuring out what to do the captain yelled "Ma'am, come on" and summoned me onto the boat.
I asked where I should sit and he said wherever. Well I was humiliated and angry with them for telling me no and then saying yes once they saw me crying - how dramatic. I would not have begged them for a ride nor would I have bargained my way on the boat but with everyone watching they just decided if I were going to cry then they would let me on. I am thankful I got to do the tour but annoyed with how they handled it. To make matters worse a coast gaurd jet ski drove up beside the boat and waved me to sit down - and since I didn't have a chair I sat on a step stool that had those spikes on it to keep you from slipping.
My butt and thighs hurt so bad by the end of the trip and I had a hideous grid pattern under my dress haha!! Besides being annoyed and embarrased the trip was fun and the veiw on the monuments from my place on the boat was wonderful. When we got back I figured out how to get to the famous chili dog place - Ben's Chili Bowl - where the president and other famous people have all eaten. It's located as 1312 U Street, incase anyone's in the DC area.

I took the red line to the green line, which worked out in my favor since I needed the green line to get home. That place totally made my whole day. The atmosphere was so fun and family like - in fact the managers uncle was eating and he spilled something so the manager blamed me haha! When I finally got back to Gerry's a quickly packed up and hit the road heading for Delaware to see Chloe! I hadn't seen Chloe and Evan in two years and during the three hour drive my nerves and excitement were nearly bubbling over! On my way I saw a police pickup truck pull someone over! I wish they had police officers in pickups where I come from!! Next on my little list of wonders is Delilah. I used to listen to her as a kid growing up on the East coast and in the South. She doesn't exist in Minnesota and most people my age would never listen to her, but flipping through the radio stations I heard her voice crooning over the radio and started bouncing up and down in my car!!
What a wonderful little surprise. At Chloe's I jumped out of the car and we hugged eachother like fifty time before going inside. Evan was watching Monters Inc. and didn't even notice me but he is so flipping cute! Chloe's friend, Craig, picked us up and we went out for wings at this place called Bethany Blues. If you get an alcoholic beverage you get unlimited wings for ten cents a piece! We had a blast, I ate 15 wing, Chloe had 20, and Craig had 25. Afterward we moseyed on over to the grocery story and bought pints of Ben and Jerry's - I have decided I want heath bar and cookie dough mixed together!!! Sadly, I forgot my camera so we didn't get any pictures. We went back to Chloe's and watched Hot Rod - hilarious! Anyway, what a great day and I am so excited I'm getting to see Chloe and Evan!!
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